Bedfordshire County Awards Ceremony 2023
Bedfordshire County Awards Ceremony 2023
Saturday 14th October 2023 (9:00am – 2:00pm)
Redborne School, 107 Flitwick Road, Ampthill MK45 2NU
Every young person whose details are entered onto the Bedfordshire County Scout website will personally be invited, along with their parents to the presentation event.
We will start with the Squirrel Dreys, through Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers, Young Leaders to Queen Scouts. At the end of each section the Adults of that section will be recognised for their award.
Once completed, the young people and their parents will move to another room where there will be refreshments and entertainment.
To ensure that your young person receives this personal invitation please make sure that you register them for their award on the Bedfordshire County Website.
If your group has a young person who has achieved a Commendation, the Chief Scouts Award in his/her section or any other award you would like to have recognised at this event, please complete the details as indicated.
Each young person, via their parents, will be sent an invitation to the event, the format of which can be found on the front page of the website.
Apply for Young Person to have an Award Presented*
Redborne School, 107 Flitwick Road, Ampthill MK45 2NU