The benefits of Scouting for your child and your family
There is no doubt that parents value what Scouting does for their children. In an independent survey of over 2,000 parents of Scouts, 9 out of 10 parents said Scouting is worthwhile (7 in 10 very worthwhile) and 9 in 10 said their children find Scouting enjoyable (6 in 10 very enjoyable).
Parents say Scouting gives their children more confidence, responsibility, a broader set of friends, a chance to pursue things they might not get to do otherwise, adventure and an extended family.
The benefits of Scouting for your child and your family*
Squirrel Scout Saves Life*
Volunteering as an adult is not just about giving back – it goes both ways. It improves your wellbeing, gives you skills for the future, and helps you make new friends (and memories).
Impact Reports
Study of the Impact of Scouting on young people, adults and community*
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To contact the Falkes (Luton) District Enquiry Co-ordinator:*
Tel: 0345 300 1818