Beavers Scouts (age 6 – 8)
Beaver Scouts are the second youngest section and meet in Colonies. Their activities are based around “fun and friends.”
In their weekly meetings in the Group headquarters, in the local park, or at the local fire station Beaver Scouts work towards challenges and earn activity badges, such as the Explorer Badge, Air Activities Badge or the Animal Friend Badge.
Beavers have sleep-overs, go for hikes, build stomp rockets, learn about the world, have paper boat races, play wide games.
The Beaver Colonies across the District meet for joint Sleepovers, St George’s Day Celebrations, and the County Beaver fun day’s – as well as many more events.
There is a new opportunity every week and you have 12 Scout Groups and Units* to choose from!
Website: *
To contact the Falkes (Luton) District Enquiry Co-ordinator:*
Tel: 0345 300 1818