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Bear Grylls honours six Falkes District leaders with Silver Acorn Awards

Date: 24th Jan 2019 Author: Gerald Law
Among the six honoured by Chief Scout Bear Grylls in the New Year are a District Commissioner, a veteran with almost 60

Silver Acorns for six Falkes Scout Leaders

years’  service and the longest serving treasurer in the district.

The six are: DC Mark Webb, ASL Reggie Brett, GSL Adrian Kedge, Media Manager Gerald Law, Group Treasurer Mike Waller and ADC Cubs Alan Burnham. 

Mark Webb: Mark really got his Scouting career started in Kenya where he ran a Cub Pack with hikes in dangerous country areas where wild animals ranged. His most fearsome experience was with water buffalo. When he returned, he joined Lea Valley as ADC Cubs and later took on a role as ACC Cub for the county. He helped to organise the county centenary camp in 2007 and handled the communications that helped to make the event such a success. He was appointed District Commissioner just in time to manage the merger of two Luton Districts (Someries and Lea Valley) and gave it the name Falkes. 

Reggie Brett: Reggie has been involved with local Scouts for an astounding 58 years. He has supported the 24th Scout Group with time out to be a Venture Scout Leader. In his time he has run five marathons and taken part in numerous running events for charity. Despite suffering from cancer which is now in remission he still turned up at meetings to support his section. He ran in a 24-hour Survivor cancer charity and still turns out to support them at the age of 79. 

Adrian Kedge: AJ to his friends, Adrian is the youngest of the six with 22 years’ service. He has been a Scout Leader and a Cub Scout Leader with the 16th Someries Scout Group before joining the 24th Someries Scout Group where he is now Acting Group Scout Leader. He has taken part in various expeditions including one ascent of the Jungfrau in Switzerland.

Gerald Law: Gerald is currently Media Manager for Luton’s two Districts. He started his Scouting in St Albans before moving to Luton in 1988 and a role as District Commissioner for Lea Valley. He has had various training roles for the county as well as being ADC Communications for Icknield before taking on his present role. His award is a Bar to the Silver Acorn for continuing distinguished service.

Michael Waller: Mike has served as Treasurer for Leagrave Scout Group for an extraordinary 30 years. He joined them in the summer of 1989 and is still keeping their books, He is also a member of the Falkes Appointments Committee where his decades of Scouting experience are a great help. 

Alan Burnham: Alan has served Luton and the county for 27 years. He began with a small Group (All Saints) in what is now Lea Valley District as a GSL. Later he took on various training roles with the county while still serving at Group level. He is now giving the Falkes District the benefit of his valuable experience as ADC Cubs.

In the citation the Chief Scout says they have all provided specially distinguished services to Scouting. Well done to all six. We are proud of you.

Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls