Luton Scouts Jota / Joti
Ross Park played host to the successful 61th Jamboree on the Air and Jamboree on the Internet 2018 on the 20th and 21st October..
Young People from :

Beech Hill
Wardown 9th
Strathmore (Blue Foxes)
St Annes
Wigmore Valley

Brendan with his team of adults, supported by Explorers support from Riparian and Griffin units and members of the Young Spokes Person Team
Jota and Joti are truly international activities. Contact was made with other scouting members across England, Scotland and Wales as well as other countries and territories/locations including:
Indonesia, Australia, Turkey, Denmark, Portugal, Canada, Netherlands, Germany, Bulgaria, Italy, Poland, Switzerland, Serbia, Russian, Spain, Belarus, Romania, Balearic Islands, Bosnia & Herzegovinian, Finland, Ukraine, Hungary, Slovenia, Greece, Azores, Sicily, Malaysia, Sudan, Norway, Austria, USA.

Cathy, Cub Leader of Leagrave Scout Group when asked how have your cubs benefited from this? replied: “It helps them to realise there are more scouts out there then just the UK”.
Brendan the event organiser was asked how do you think it has gone? “One word, Brilliant! Lots of enthusiasm, that’s the main thing. One of the best ones we have had for a few years. We have also had wide representation from across the town”.
The evidence of success for this unusual activity can be seen in the fascinated smiling faces of young scouts from all sections across Luton. Supported by experienced operators, we see adults working with young people.

Jota and Joti returns next year 19th and 20th October 2019. Do put it in your section and group diary.

Young Spokes Person Write Up’s
Article written by Hamnah
Hamnah Jota Jotib21st Oct 2018
Article written by Rafaela