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Luton Scouts Save the World from VOLCANO.

Date: 18th Nov 2018 Author: Gerald Law
100 Luton Scouts and Leaders, gathered at Milton Bryant Scout Camp Site to have the world from the possible total destruction by VOLCANO.

Scouts from 9 troops split into 16 teams, troops attending were:

There was Groups presents from across Luton to run bases including St Joseph’s, First Luton Sea Scouts, Blenheim, Sell’s 7th, Beech Hill, Wardown 9th, Warden Hill, Manor, Saxon, Strathmore Blue Foxes, Leagrave Alan & Liz Burnham and Warden Hill Young Leaders .

Luton Scouts Save the World from VOLCANO.
Luton Scouts Save the World from VOLCANO.
Luton Scouts Save the World from VOLCANO.

Tasks were varied with activities of stealth, blind trails, stretcher building, saving lives around water, crossing lava flows, various cooking / fire requirement, boiling water, mash mellows on a stick, flowing water across a gap, shelter building and more. (apologies for missing any)

Luton Scouts Save the World from VOLCANO.
Luton Scouts Save the World from VOLCANO.
Luton Scouts Save the World from VOLCANO.

District Commissioner Libby Bassam was impressed with the skills shown by many scouts and they way the whole day processed.
ADC Scout James Hinkins thanked the scouts ‘For doing Their Best’ and the leaders, young leaders and other supports for making the day work so well.

Luton Scouts Save the World from VOLCANO.
Luton Scouts Save the World from VOLCANO.
Luton Scouts Save the World from VOLCANO.

Luton Scouts Save the World from VOLCANO.
Luton Scouts Save the World from VOLCANO.
Luton Scouts Save the World from VOLCANO.

The day was won by team ‘ARMY’. But the real winner is Scouting.

Was it a success, well check out the smiles and thumbs up. The unselfish giving by all involved has created a Scouting Town event that provides adventures, exciting, fun activates in a competitive learning format.

Luton Scouts Save the World from VOLCANO.
Luton Scouts Save the World from VOLCANO.

We expect to gather together next year in an effort to Save the World from another devastating event. Call to Scout ‘Keep Your Eyes and Ears open for the Call to do your Duty and SAVE THE WORLD’

At the conclusion to Volcano, District Commissioner Libby Bassam presented ADC Scout James Hinkins with the ‘Bar to the Medal of Merritt’ for the high service he gives to Scouting. James has been involved in many activities with the recent introduction of the Luton Challenge Day and working with the Bedfordshire Police on the Police Community Badge (the first in the Country). There were cheers to a gentleman who leads by example and ‘Doing His Best’

Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls