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Toxic: Luton Scouts Challenge Day

Date: 18th Nov 2017 Author: Gerald Law

Luton Scouts Challenge Day
18th November 2017
Milton Bryan Scout Camp

Toxic was a year in the making and ended up being the most awesome experience for 140 Scouts, Explorer Scouts and Leaders.

Based around the story of a disaster at a local TOXIC waste plant where the future of the world was at risk. When a group of strangers came together, they secured the toxic waste and saved the world.

Toxic: Luton Scouts Challenge Day
Toxic: Luton Scouts Challenge Day
Toxic: Luton Scouts Challenge Day

This was the first time that Falkes and Icknield Districts of Luton Scouting had come together for an event like this and plans have already been put in place for the next event VOLCANO.

The Scouts were put in to teams with members from other troops; people that they had never met. They were set a series of challenges where basic survival skills were used in a fun way and new friendships created. Challenges included working safely with knives and axes, fire lighting with no matches, axe throwing, floating fire on a lake and of course removing a toxic canister without touching it. Teams also had to build a stretcher and carry a team member around a challenging course while others were blind folded and led through the woods by the team leader. Forming a human chain with only 4 feet, 2 hands, 1 head and 3 bottoms touching the ground and of course cooking marshmallows over an open fire but needing your team mates to feed them to you on super long sticks.

Leagrave took the day but Scouting was the winner. Throughout the day, the friendships were growing stronger and natural leaders emerged. Scout Leaders set up and ran the bases that were designed by the event organiser. These leaders worked alongside other adults that they had never met. New contacts were made and friendships bonded here too.

This will be an event that will stay in the memories of many Scouts for a long time and the same time next year will come together again to save the world from an erupting VOLCANO.

Toxic: Luton Scouts Challenge Day
Toxic: Luton Scouts Challenge Day
Toxic: Luton Scouts Challenge Day

Toxic: Luton Scouts Challenge Day
Toxic: Luton Scouts Challenge Day
Toxic: Luton Scouts Challenge Day

Toxic: Luton Scouts Challenge Day
Toxic: Luton Scouts Challenge Day
Toxic: Luton Scouts Challenge Day

James Hinkins
Assistant District Commissioner
Icknield District

Put your phone down and what are you left with? Just teamwork, courage and the skills to succeed.’
Bear Grylls, Chief Scout Bear Grylls