Posh Hats and Woggles – It’s Sunday Best As Scouts Serve Afternoon Tea
Ninety people, including Dunstable Mayor Cllr John Kane and his wife, enjoyed Caddington Scout Group’s “Posh Hats” Sunday afternoon tea for well-dressed senior citizens at Heathfield Centre recently, writes Helen Halsey.
With help from Leaders and parents, 19 Scouts prepared and served finger sandwiches, sausage rolls, samosas and other savoury treats. These were followed by scones and cakes, all made by the Scouts themselves, and washed down with a nice cup of tea (or coffee!).
All the guests were invited to show off their marvellous millinery, with prizes awarded for the best hats sported by both adults and young people.
As well as waiting on and enjoying a chat with their guests, the Scouts also held a raffle and were able to raise over £460.00 for their chosen charities – the Salvation Army for the Homeless and Children with Leukemia.
Rita Tims, Group Scout Leader at Caddington Scout Group said, “It was a great afternoon, and it was a pleasure to see the different generations getting on so well. The Scouts have received several letters, emails, and phone calls saying how much everyone had enjoyed the afternoon”
Recent research by the Scout Association shows that Scouting develops strong community engagement in young people. Scouting has so much to offer, not only to individuals looking to develop life-changing skills, build friendships and get access to life-changing opportunities, but also to local communities and society as a whole.
The Scout Group’s ‘Posh Hats and Woggles’ event is a great example of community engagement in action and proves, once again, that Scouting in Luton is about much more than just knots, maps and compasses.